When the IQbuds2 Max come into contact with moisture, the buds can sometimes muffle the sound and may need to be left out to dry for a short time. This moisture could be anything from getting caught in an unexpected downpour while out on a run or wearing the buds immediately after showering or after swimming in a pool.
It is also possible that your buds may require a clean. Please see the article on how to Clean and Care for your IQbuds2 Max.
While our Products are sweatproof and water-resistant, so excellent for exercising but we do not recommend swimming or taking a shower with them.
If cleaning the buds does not help, please let us know what sounds are too low: music streamed or the environmental sounds when using Hearing Augmentation only?
The low Volume might also be caused by wrong tips (sound leakage), please try changing the ear tips to a different size and see if that helps.
Please also send us the screenshot of your EarID and most typical World Volume, SINC, World EQ and Focus settings you use, especially when the sound is too low.
Please email us at care@nuheara.com with your results and above information for further assistance.